
Location: 首页» English» Introduction» Goals and Mission

The goals of the CCHDS are to produce high-quality research on health and development and to conduct useful executive and research training; to create an organization with competent multidisciplinary teams; to be China-based leading academic institution in Health Policy and System Research (HPSR);and to establish a platform for China’s engagement in global health with a focus on developing countries, multilateral organizations, and global developments.
The mission of the CCHDS is to advance the health of the Chinese people by achieving academic excellence in production and dissemination of knowledge and by catalyzing and promoting health policy and systems research in China. This entails research, education, and intellectual exchange on long-term and fundamental health systems issues including measurement of health transitions and determinants, studies on development and evaluation of health systems performance, and promotion of academic exchange both within China and internationally. To achieve its mission, CCHDS is building a world class multidisciplinary group of faculty, fellows, and students.
Key values

Innovative: Members of CCHDS need to be innovative thinkers and doers in their research, teaching and consulting services; CCHDS will be operated in an innovative manner;

Cooperative: Partnership will be built with academic institutions, governmental and founding agencies, from within Peking University to all around the world;

Multi-disciplines: A world class multidisciplinary faculty and research team will be established.

Independent: Research will remain independent in theacademic activities.

Future-oriented: Capacity building of the next generation health systems and policy researchers will be emphasized.