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祝贺 北京大学中国卫生发展研究中心 助理教授  Email: he.zhu@pku.edu.cn


2011.8 – 2015.8     博士,美国内布拉斯加大学医学中心,公共卫生学院,卫生服务研究,行政管理与政策专业

2008.9 – 2011.7     管理学硕士,北京师范大学,社会发展与公共政策学院,社会保障专业

2005.9 – 2008.7     文学学士(双学士学位),北京师范大学,外国语言文学学院,英语专业

2004.9 – 2008.7     经济学学士,北京师范大学,经济与工商管理学院,经济学专业


2019.10 –            北京大学中国卫生发展研究中心   助理教授

2015.9 – 2019.8   美国杜克大学医学中心   博士后





  1. Zhu H, Wu LT. Discharge against medical advice from hospitalizations for substance use disorders: the potential impact of the Affordable Care Act. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2019; 197: 115-119.
  2. Zhu H, Wu LT. National trends and characteristics of inpatient detoxification for drug use disorders in the United States. BMC Public Health. 2018;18(1):1073.
  3. Zhu H, Wu LT. Sex differences in cannabis use disorder diagnosis involved hospitalizations in the United State. Journal of Addiction Medicine. 2017;11(5):357-367.
  4. Zhu H, Wu LT. Trends and correlates of cannabis-involved emergency department visits: 2004 to 2011. Journal of Addiction Medicine. 2016;10(6):429-436.
  5. Zhu H, Wilson FA, Stimpson JP, Araz O, Kim JY, Chen BJ, Wu LT. The association of gasoline prices with hospital utilization and costs for motorcycle and non-motorcycle motor vehicle injuries in the United States. Medical Care. 2016;54(9):837-844.
  6. Zhu H, Wilson FA, Stimpson JP, Hilsenrath PE. Rising gasoline prices increase new motorcycle sales and fatalities. Injury Epidemiology. 2015;2(1):23.
  7. Zhu H, Wilson FA, Stimpson JP, Pagán JA. Correlation between cocaine prices and purity with trends in emergency department visits in a major metropolitan area. Journal of Urban Health. 2014;91(5):1009-1018.
  8. Zhu H, Wilson FA, Stimpson JP. The relationship between gasoline price and patterns of motorcycle fatalities and injuries. Injury Prevention. 2014;21(3):153-158.
  9. John WS, Zhu H, Mannelli P, Subramaniam G, Schwartz RP, McNeely J, Wu LT. Prevalence and patterns of opioid misuse and opioid use disorder among primary care patients who use tobacco. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2019;194:468-475.
  10. Wu LT, Zhu H, Ghitza UE. Multicomorbidity of chronic diseases and substance use disorders and their association with hospitalization: results from electronic health records data. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2018;192:316-323.
  11. John WS, Zhu H, Mannelli P, Schwartz RP, Subramaniam GA, Wu LT. Prevalence, patterns, and correlates of multiple substance use disorders among adult primary care patients. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2018;187:79-87.
  12. Wu LT, Zhu H, Mannelli P, Swartz MS. Prevalence and correlates of treatment utilization among adults with cannabis use disorder in the United States. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2017;177:153-162.
  13. Wu LT, Zhu H, Swartz MS. Treatment utilization among persons with opioid use disorder in the United States. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2016;169:117-127.
  14. Wu LT, Zhu H, Swartz MS. Trends in cannabis use disorders among racial/ethnic population groups in the United States. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2016;165:181-190.
  15. Stimpson JP, Zhu H, Wilson FA. Bicyclists found at-fault for bicycle crashes in California. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2016; 34(8):1699-1701.
  16. Stimpson JP, Zhu H, Wilson FA. Trends in bicycle crashes in California. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2016;34(7):1318-1319.
  17. Bhuyan SS, Zhu H, Chandak A, Kim J, Stimpson JP. Do service innovations influence the adoption of electronic health records in long-term care organizations? Results from the US national survey of residential care facilities. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 2014;83(12):975-982.
  18. Wu LT, Ghitza UE, Zhu H, Spratt S, Swartz M, Mannelli P. Substance use disorders and medical comorbidities among high-need, high-risk patients with diabetes. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2018;186:86-93.
  19. Wu LT, McNeely J, Subramaniam G, Brady KT, Sharma G, VanVeldhuisen P, Zhu H, Schwartz RP. DSM-5 substance use disorders among adult primary care patients: results from a multisite study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2017;179: 42-46.
  20. Li XM, Zhang SF, Xu HW, Tang XF, Zhou HX, Yuan JQ, Wang XH, Qu ZY, Wang FG, Zhu H, Guo S, Tian DH, Zhang WJ. Type D personality predicts poor medication adherence in Chinese patients with Type 2 Diabetes mellitus: a six-month follow-up study. PloS One. 2016;11(2):0146892.
  21. McCarthy MA, Fisher CM, Zhou J, Zhu H, Pelster AK, Schober DJ, Baldwin K, Fortenberry JD, Goldsworthy R. A qualitative exploration of community-based organization programs, resources, and training to promote adolescent sexual health. American Journal of Sexuality Education. 2015;10(4):316-332.
  22. Bhuyan SS, Chandak A, Powell MP, Kim JY, Shiyanbola O, Zhu H, Shiyanbola O. Use of information technology for medication management in residential care facilities: correlates of facility characteristics. Journal of Medical Systems. 2015;39(6): 70.